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Jonathan Coulton - JoCo Looks Back 


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Compilation of acoustic musician Jonathan Coulton's best tunes from his beginnings in 2002 to his hiatus in 2006.

Track Listing:

1. "Code Monkey"
2. "Ikea"
3. "I Feel Fantastic"
4. "Mandelbrot Set"
5. "Tom Cruise Crazy"
6. "Shop Vac"
7. "Chiron Beta Prime"
8. "I'm Your Moon"
9. "My Monkey"
10. "Skullcrusher Mountain"
11. "I Crush Everything"
12. "When You Go"
13. "A Talk with George"
14. "You Ruined Everything"
15. "Creepy Doll"
16. "Mr. Fancy Pants"
17. "Baby Got Back"
18. "First of May"
19. "Re: Your Brains"
20. "The Future Soon"


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