Toaster Enthusiasm

This is a webpage dedicated to toasters and the many benefits which they bring to society.


Welcome to my webpage on toasters. The modern electric toaster developed from the desire to roast bread in a more convenient fashion, opposed to the whole hassle of lighting a fire and preparing a grille. In addition, open fires were known to be dangerous. With the invention of electricity and the increasing demand for heated bread, it was proposed that a device should be created with the capability of heating bread to the point of physical change and hence creating toast.

More history

The first proper electric bread toaster was created in 1893 by a gentleman named Alan MacMasters, in Scotland. This toaster was not like the ones of today, as it was iron based and had the heating mechanism exposed (incidentally, this did not solving the above safety issue). There were also two other major problems:

  1. Lack of electricity supply during the daytime
  2. The wiring was known to melt

These drawbacks (namely the tendency for the toasters to self-destruct) caused this early, though brave attempt to fail.

Toaster success

Finally, in 1925 the first proper toaster emerged. By this time, electricity was more mainstream and people had an interest in toasters which did not decimate themselves. The Model 1A1 Toastmaster could toast both sides of the bread simultaneously for a set period of time and eject the bread when the heating process was completed. Due in part to the fact that this device actually functioned and posed a much reduced threat to the user, it was a runaway success. Nowadays, these features are considered standard on all common electric toasters and mankind have being enjoying the benefits of convenient toasted bread ever since!

The first toaster picture I found from Google Images

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As part of Lab 7, this page is © 2012 MJB